Passed over for promotion?

Passed over for promotion – now what?

Being passed over for promotion can be one of the most emotional and frustrating times in your working life! If it makes you feel any better, it’s happened to the best of us! 

So, after you’ve moved beyond your disappointment, what are you going to do next?

Why not consider the following few points
  • Accept the decision and stay professional. It’s taken time and effort to build your reputation. As much as you might want to, don’t blow it in an emotional ill-informed rant!
  • Ask questions/seek advice from your Line Manager as to why you didn’t get the promotion. Take it as a learning opportunity to understand if you have a skills gap in relation to the company’s expectations for the role. 
  • Use the feedback to help you reach a decision. Be realistic with yourself. Do you lack some of the skills required? Are you going to spend time addressing them to improve your chances for next time? 
  • How do you feel about the company now? Is it still a good match for you? If you feel you’ve been unfairly “passed over”, is it time to plan for a move?

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